
CakePHP DataTables plugins has a few requirements:

  • The same minimum environment of CakePHP 4.

  • json PHP extension.

  • DataTables library and it plugins (if required).

  • jQuery 1 or 3.


You can use the Local Resources to load all the DataTables libraries dependencies and jQuery.


The main function of this plugin is create dynamic HTML tables using DataTables library, so, doesn’t make sense use it this without a configured data source in your application, because you need data. DataTables plugin will require it and its respective ORM classes. To see more about data source and ORM classes, go to this link.

Installation steps

Before use the plugin you will need do somethings to install and configure it.

Requiring plugin using composer

You need load the plugin inside your application using composer’s require command:

composer require wsssoftware/cakephp-datatables:^4.0

Loading plugin

Load the plugin by adding the following statement in your project’s src/Application.php:

public function bootstrap(): void

OR using cake shell in bin folder:

cake plugin load DataTables

Loading helper

Load the helper by adding the following statement in your project’s src/View/AppView.php:

use Cake\View\View;
use DataTables\View\Helper\DataTablesHelper;

 * Application View
 * @property DataTablesHelper DataTables
class AppView extends View

     * Initialization hook method.
     * @return void
    public function initialize(): void

Loading component


This step is not mandatory, but if you need to edit any DataTables configuration inside a controller for a specific action, you will need to load the component.

Load the component by adding the following statement in your project’s src/Controller/AppController.php:

use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use DataTables\Controller\Component\DataTablesComponent;

 * Application Controller
 * @property DataTablesComponent DataTables
class AppController extends Controller

     * Initialization hook method.
     * @return void
    public function initialize(): void

Setting the script renderer

You must to call the View::fetch() with the script block name passed as parameter to plugin render tables scripts. The plugin use the same script block of Local Resources:: that by default is script. Is recommended that you call the fetch method above the </body> close tag like example below:


    <?= $this->fetch('script') ?>


If you want to use the Local Resources class to load yours library dependencies files, you must to have the View::fetch() with the css block name passed as parameter. You can change the block name, but by default is css. Is recommend that you call the fetch method above the </head> close tag like example below:


    <?= $this->fetch('css') ?>
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