
class DataTables\Table\DataTables

Classes inherited from DataTables are the classes that has two methods very important that is called to apply the application business rules to a ConfigBundle from a table. They are saved on src/DataTables/ folder and are postfixed with DataTables, so, Categories DataTables class will be named CategoriesDataTables. You can easily bake this class using the CakePHP bake shell.


There are two methods, the config and rowRenderer, one to set configs and other to define how data will be rendered.


DataTables\Table\DataTables::config(ConfigBundle $configBundle)

This method has a ConfigBundle passed as param. Inside it you will be able to set the columns, DataTables library options and special Query conditions for the table. Its structure is:

 * Will implements all the table configuration.
 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
 * @return void
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle) {

Row Renderer

DataTables\Table\DataTables::rowRenderer(DataTablesView $appView, EntityInterface $entity, Renderer $renderer)

This method has a DataTablesView, Entity and Renderer objects passed as param. Inside it the developer will be able to define how each row column will be rendered. DataTablesView is inheritance from AppView and has access to all helpers and View methods. The entity has all needle dada, the developer can even do if and others conditionals as required by business rule. Renderer is a object that will storage each column value set by the developer. Each row render will call this method and the non set columns will be autogenerated with a warning. Its structure is:

 * @param \DataTables\View\DataTablesView $appView
 * @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity
 * @param \DataTables\Table\Renderer $renderer
 * @return void
public function rowRenderer(DataTablesView $appView, EntityInterface $entity, Renderer $renderer) {
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