
trait DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait

This is a implementation of section Features of the library documentation. All the methods of this section are contained inside of FeaturesOptionTrait and implemented inside of MainOption object that can be accessed on attribute Options of ConfigBundle instance.

Basic Usage

Here you will learn how to use the methods get and set for each option of this section.

Auto Width

Enable or disable automatic column width calculation. This can be disabled as an optimisation (it takes a finite amount of time to calculate the widths) if the tables widths are passed in using columns.width.

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: autoWidth.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setAutoWidth(bool $autoWidth)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isAutoWidth()) {
        // Do something.

Defer Render

By default, when DataTables loads data from an Ajax or Javascript data source (ajax and data respectively) it will create all HTML elements needed up-front. When working with large data sets, this operation can take a not-insignificant amount of time, particularly in older browsers such as IE6-8. This option allows DataTables to create the nodes (rows and cells in the table body) only when they are needed for a draw.

As an example to help illustrate this, if you load a data set with 10,000 rows, but a paging display length of only 10 records, rather than create all 10,000 rows, when deferred rendering is enabled, DataTables will create only 10. When the end user then sorts, pages or filters the data the rows needed for the next display will be created automatically. This effectively spreads the load of creating the rows across the life time of the page.

Note that when enabled, it goes without saying that not all nodes will always be available in the table, so when working with API methods such as columns().nodes() you must take this into account. Below shows an example of how to use jQuery delegated events to handle such a situation.

Default: false

Source: DataTables library: deferRender.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setDeferRender(bool $deferRender)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isDeferRender()) {
        // Do something.


When this option is enabled, Datatables will show information about the table including information about filtered data if that action is being performed. This option allows that feature to be enabled or disabled.

Note that by default the information display is shown below the table on the left, but this can be controlled using dom and CSS).

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: info.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setInfo(bool $info)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isInfo()) {
        // Do something.

Length Change

When pagination is enabled, this option will control the display of an option for the end user to change the number of records to be shown per page. The options shown in the list are controlled by the lengthMenu configuration option.

Note that by default the control is shown at the top left of the table. That can be controlled using dom and CSS.

If this option is disabled (false) the length change input control is removed - although the page.len() method can still be used if you wish to programmatically change the page size and pageLength can be used to specify the initial page length. Paging itself is not affected.

Additionally, if pagination is disabled using the paging option, this option is automatically disabled since it has no relevance when there is no pagination.

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: lengthChange.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setLengthChange(bool $lengthChange)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isLengthChange()) {
        // Do something.


Enable or disable ordering of columns - it is as simple as that! DataTables, by default, allows end users to click on the header cell for each column, ordering the table by the data in that column. The ability to order data can be disabled using this option.

Note that the ability to add or remove sorting of individual columns can be disabled by the columns.orderable option for each column. This parameter is a global option - when disabled, there are no sorting actions applied by DataTables at all.

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: ordering.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setOrdering(bool $ordering)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isOrdering()) {
        // Do something.


DataTables can split the rows in tables into individual pages, which is an efficient method of showing a large number of records in a small space. The end user is provided with controls to request the display of different data as the navigate through the data. This feature is enabled by default, but if you wish to disable it, you may do so with this parameter.

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: paging.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setPaging(bool $paging)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isPaging()) {
        // Do something.


Enable or disable the display of a ‘processing’ indicator when the table is being processed (e.g. a sort). This is particularly useful for tables with large amounts of data where it can take a noticeable amount of time to sort the entries.

Default: false

Source: DataTables library: processing.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setProcessing(bool $processing)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isProcessing()) {
        // Do something.


Enable or disable the display of a ‘processing’ indicator when the table is being processed (e.g. a sort). This is particularly useful for tables with large amounts of data where it can take a noticeable amount of time to sort the entries.

Default: false

Source: DataTables library: processing.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setProcessing(bool $processing)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isProcessing()) {
        // Do something.


Enable horizontal scrolling. When a table is too wide to fit into a certain layout, or you have a large number of columns in the table, you can enable horizontal (x) scrolling to show the table in a viewport, which can be scrolled.

This property can be true which will allow the table to scroll horizontally when needed (recommended), or any CSS unit, or a number (in which case it will be treated as a pixel measurement).

Default: false

Source: DataTables library: scrollX.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setScrollX(bool $scrollX)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isScrollX()) {
        // Do something.


Enable vertical scrolling. Vertical scrolling will constrain the DataTable to the given height, and enable scrolling for any data which overflows the current viewport. This can be used as an alternative to paging to display a lot of data in a small area (although paging and scrolling can both be enabled at the same time if desired).

The value given here can be any CSS unit, or a number (in which case it will be treated as a pixel measurement) and is applied to the table body (i.e. it does not take into account the header or footer height directly).

Source: DataTables library: scrollY.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setScrollY(?string $scrollY)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Get method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->getScrollY() === '200px') {
        // Do something.


This option allows the search abilities of DataTables to be enabled or disabled. Searching in DataTables is “smart” in that it allows the end user to input multiple words (space separated) and will match a row containing those words, even if not in the order that was specified (this allow matching across multiple columns).

Please be aware that technically the search in DataTables is actually a filter, since it is subtractive, removing data from the data set as the input becomes more complex. It is named “search” here, and else where in the DataTables API for consistency and to ensure there are no conflicts with other methods of a similar name (specific the filter() API method).

Note that if you wish to use the search abilities of DataTables this must remain true - to remove the default search input box whilst retaining searching abilities (for example you might use the search() method), use the dom option.

Default: true

Source: DataTables library: searching.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setSearching(bool $searching)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isSearching()) {
        // Do something.

Server Side

DataTables has two fundamental modes of operation:

  • Client-side processing - where filtering, paging and sorting calculations are all performed in the web-browser.

  • Server-side processing - where filtering, paging and sorting calculations are all performed by a server.

By default DataTables operates in client-side processing mode, but can be switched to server-side processing mode using this option. Server-side processing is useful when working with large data sets (typically >50‘000 records) as it means a database engine can be used to perform the sorting etc calculations - operations that modern database engines are highly optimised for, allowing use of DataTables with massive data sets (millions of rows).

When operating in server-side processing mode, DataTables will send parameters to the server indicating what data it needs (what page, what filters are applied etc), and also expects certain parameters back in order that it has all the information required to display the table. The client-server communication protocol DataTables uses is detailed in the DataTables documentation.

Fixed in: true

Source: DataTables serverSide: serverSide.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setServerSide(bool $serverSide)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or
    // this will throw a exception

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isServerSide()) {
        // Do something.

State Save

Enable or disable state saving. When enabled aDataTables will store state information such as pagination position, display length, filtering and sorting. When the end user reloads the page the table’s state will be altered to match what they had previously set up.

Data storage for the state information in the browser is performed by use of the localStorage or sessionStorage HTML5 APIs. The stateDuration indicated to DataTables which API should be used (localStorage: 0 or greater, or sessionStorage: -1).

To be able to uniquely identify each table’s state data, information is stored using a combination of the table’s DOM id and the current page’s pathname. If the table’s id changes, or the page URL changes, the state information will be lost.

Please note that the use of the HTML5 APIs for data storage means that the built in state saving option will not work with IE6/7 as these browsers do not support these APIs. Alternative options of using cookies or saving the state on the server through Ajax can be used through the stateSaveCallback and stateLoadCallback options.

Default: false

Source: DataTables serverSide: stateSave.

Set method

DataTables\Table\Option\Section\FeaturesOptionTrait::setStateSave(bool $stateSave)

Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    // or

Check method


Example of usage:

 * @param \DataTables\Table\ConfigBundle $configBundle
public function config(ConfigBundle $configBundle): void
    if ($configBundle->Options->isStateSave()) {
        // Do something.
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